Re: my speedometer is off what to do?
ok guy heres the short speedo gear was wlking down the shaft making my speedo work today and not tomorrow so I as spending every third day with the speedo out and prying it back inot position that got old really fast but you can see the gear color though the hole where the gear goes into the trans so get that first!! should take longer to jack the truck up then to check the color...take a pair of channel locs and a 7/16" wrench anyway once you get the new correct gear pop the drive shaft and pull the tailshaft off (your not going to loose much fluid maybe a quart at the most..I lost about a pint) I used a 1 1/4" wrench and slid the old one off...just place it over the outputshaft and use the X member to pry against it will be tough coming off there is a little clip that holds it from walking be sure to get a new one of those it in the gear and slide the new one on and make sure it snaps into the little hole...put the tail shaft back on driveshaft in and speedo gear in the side...done..... took me about an hour and I have a 2 piece drive shaft