Originally posted by Mike76251
I don't know about S. Oregon but the mechanics around here are so bad the only thing they are good for is backdrops you stick a target to at the range.
You keep working on your ride and with a little luck you will get to where you are going when you want to get there.
I would have to say the mechanics now are not as good as when my dad was doing the work with his friend in his shop he had at his home. I have taken stuff to mechanics to see there opinion and i end up arguing with them since they are usally far off. but i will work on my truck it will take time and sometimes i get a little impatient and have to take a step back. i have owned a few trucks before and they where not totaly what i wanted but the truck i have now is what i have always wanted she my baby and when theres stuff wrong it really gets to you. but i know in due time i will get it where i want it.