Re: The "UnOfficial Rock-a-Chief" Build Thread....
I have been watching the E-bay auctions, seems to be Offenhauser and Clifford Intakes on there most of the time. I have been told the Sixes will really run nice if dual or triple carbs are installed. And headers too. A local tranny shop told me it was not easy to hook a 700R4 to a multi carb set-up. Heck, anything is possible , some stuff just takes longer to do. Read Leo Santucci's book on building sixes. He does some crazy stuff with Sixes up in the 400-500 HP range. gets into turbos, blowers and nitrous too.
69 chevelle convertible
71-C-10 short-wide and low 
64 C-10 custom shortbox "Bubba"s Recycling project"