Thread: New from Texas
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Old 10-07-2009, 05:31 PM   #1
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New from Texas


I am starting a 1969 3/4 ton Camper Special as a replacement project. Here is a picture of the original 1969 3/4 ton that I was in the process of restoring when a lady ran a red light at 50 mph. I was also going through the intersection at 50 mph and she broad sided me in the drivers door. The impact was pretty hard and I only suffered a broken right leg. Someone was looking out for me that day!

The truck was bought by my Dad in 1969 2 months before I was born and it had over 300,000 miles on it when it was totalled. To make matters worse was that I have had the truck for over 10 years and my Dad would not sell me the truck because it was his but that I could drive it all I wanted, but it still belonged to him. I mean he paid for registration, inspections, even the insurance.

On Wednesday April 11, 2007 my Dad was at my house when I got home from work and said," We are going to the tax office and I am transferring the truck into your name!" I was very surprised and excited that I was finally going to get the truck.

On Friday April 13, 2007 (Yes, Friday the 13th) I drove the truck for the first time since it was officially mine. I was driving to Austin, Tx to pick up my Dads 11 foot pickup camper (also bought in 1969) which is about 90 miles away. I only made it 84 of the 90 miles when the truck was totalled. The truck was rust free and dent free except the small dent in the front of the hood that I put there with a BB gun when I was 9. When Dad repainted the truck in the early 80's he left the small dent as a reminder of what I did. I thought that was pretty cool.

The truck had:
Mild 350
Holley Pro-jection
Saddle tanks
Disc brakes conversion
After market A/C (installed in 1971 on our first trip back to Texas from Idaho)
and a lot of other odds and ends

Last edited by WFAPS; 10-07-2009 at 05:35 PM. Reason: grammar
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