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Old 10-16-2009, 02:12 PM   #5
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Re: 1970 C-10 motor and tranny swap

Thanks for the replies.

Seems the engine/tranny swap may be too much to get into at this point in time, but if I could pick up that donor for $650 I could just swap motors. I wouldn't have to deal with rebuilding my heads and buying a carb or dealing with the oil leak, and I could then sell my 350 shortblock for a couple hundred as it is - plus I'd come out ahead with a set of headers and exhaust as well as the TH350 transmission to sell.

In other words for just a bit more work than rebuilding and replacing the heads and removing the 3speed to check the rear main seal, I could likely -make- a bit of money...

or am I being idealistic?
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