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Old 10-18-2009, 09:47 PM   #11
'71 chevy s.bed/s.side
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Re: Factory original jack / repro. tool bag

About the bags..I tried to find them and had no luck. I found a company that sells the material. It is very close to what the original stuff is. I bought what they had and made several bags using the old original bag as a template. I also found the string material that matched what was on the bag and purchased several yards of it.
So, to answer your question, I made the bags and I believe I have a few more left. I was selling them for $30.00 shipped. Let me know if you want one.
BTW, 70 LonghornCST and the others, thanks for the compliments!

72BlackButy, I purchased the 3/8" thread diameter flat head bolts and had a machinist at my work to turn the heads down to the proper size. I suppose you could do that with about any bolt if you have access to a machine shop. I gave him an old rivet I drilled out and he sized the new bolt heads to that rivet head.
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