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Old 10-19-2009, 07:29 PM   #5
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Re: lowering control arms

I stepped my own control arms 1.5" + 3" drop springs and am cutting it close as far as scrub line goes with 15" wheels. With a 3" drop LCA I'm almost positive you would have scrub line issues, especially with drop springs. Maybe it would be ok with stock springs, I don't really know. And you can forget about LCAs+drop spindles if you have 15" wheels, most manufactures say not to combine the two for scrub line reasons.

In case you don't already know, scrub line is the lowest point of the rim. You don't want anything below that because if you get a flat tire... well... i'm sure you get the idea. Things would get very ugly and dangerous.

I would use drop spindles and springs. I stepped my own because I'm on a really tight budget, and it should work very well, but drop-spindles really are the better way to go.
'69 C-20(292, 4-speed) Retired Daily Driver
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Last edited by MXmaniac; 10-19-2009 at 07:35 PM.
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