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Old 10-23-2009, 05:56 PM   #24
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Buying a truck, need advise!

with a budget like that... I wouldn't even consider thinking about a truck from this part of the country.
I would look on craigs list from san-fran on south, and from western texas on west. With that kind of funds, you can demand only the best... maybe one notch below the best, but you get the picture. I'll second what was said about Mike (fine69). He is a stand up guy, and on the dude side, probably my best friend... and I don't hang out with POS people..
As far as the TSA comment... I'll just link you to a very long thread from last winter when Mike and I took a short road trip. It's a good 30 to 45 min read... but WELL worth it IMO.
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