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Old 10-24-2009, 10:23 AM   #1
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Location: Central NJ USA
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New From Central NJ No Truck Yet :)

Hello everyone. I found this site while searching for information on project knucklebuster.

I had a 80s C10 (first vehicle!) but don't remember the exact year it was. It was white, had a carbed 350 and was a long bed. I loved the truck but it was sadly taken from me after I owned it for a month.

I got to change the starter and after it started running better it was stolen.

So now after playing with a lot of import cars (still have a couple WRXs in the family) and some trucks I would like to get another C10.

Can't wait to have that bench seat again so my wife can sit right next to me when we cruise.

Current vehicles:

1993 Jeep Cherokee

I daily drive a 94 Toyota pickup and sometimes get to enjoy my 02 wrx.
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