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Old 10-26-2009, 12:09 PM   #6
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Re: Figuring out shift linkage for automatic

Alright here are some pics I took this morning. I hope this helps. If you need more detail I will try and help if you let me know what you need!

Here is where the shift rod linkage attaches to the column. Not much extra.

here is where it attaches to the frame

here is what the transmission side looks like

You can kind of see the rod going up to the column. You can see the bottom of the booster/master cylinder from here.

This picture is taken from the drivers side, on top of the exhaust pipe looking forward. The frame is to the left and the transmission to the right.

This one here shows the part that attaches to the frame and the bracket that goes up and over the exhaust to the transmission. You can also see how the linkage/rod that comes from the column attaches to it.

Hope that helps
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