Re: Have you been screwed by BROTHERSTRUCKS.COM
Originally Posted by mycool72
In my opinion, they are not responsible for anything except a refund for the second charge and a refund for the original parts if you decided you didn't want to do business with them...thats all. The bank stuff is on you, if you had a decent history with them they would waive any overdrafts.
sorry but i have to keep it clean on this whats wrong with some people...sounds like a company man to me maybe the brothers vendor on this site??? anyway if this guy ran a business with these ethics he would run it to the ground. these bigwigs think that what ever they do wrong is justified. they dont understand that people have a budget to live on, and they are happy to pay hard earned dollars to build what they love. these people are hard working people, they are the backbone of this country. these companies that run business with garbage customer service and billing need to get out of the market or change their ways. if some one told me that at a store they would have a broken face for sure....
A girl phoned me the other day and said... Come on over, there's nobody home. I went over. Nobody was home. -Rodney Dangerfield
Last edited by 63deluxfleet; 10-27-2009 at 10:21 PM.