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Old 10-28-2009, 10:46 PM   #10
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Re: big 10's anyone?

Originally Posted by 78 Big10 454 View Post
Unfortunately, 1978 was the first year of cats....
Did you buy your truck in Cali?

My '78 also never had cats. It was stock as could be when my father purchased it about 15 yrs ago. From what I've been told the Big 10 / Heavy Half package was the Generals way of getting around the smog equipment on the C10's which was based on the GVW. Could be that Cali had there own regs that were different from the feds and that why your truck has them?

Before the GMC he also had a 77 Chevy Big 10, I was very young, but I doubt it had cats either. The 77 was purchased in SC, and as far as I know my '78 spent its life in NC until we got it. The 77 was two tone, with all the trim and a/c, but I dont remember the trim level. My 78 is a bare bones, heat only, am radio and rubber floor truck.

This might be something we need to get Keith Seymores input on?

Last edited by bluex; 10-28-2009 at 10:48 PM.
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