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Old 10-29-2009, 01:38 AM   #66
printing is my trade
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Location: San Antonio, Texas
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Re: Jojo's '70 Stepper

thanks for the input guys.
There's a couple reasons I'm sticking with the 305.
1. The 305 I have is pretty bad a** already, at least for what I'm used to
2. The truck is at my dads house. He offered to pay half for the new motor as an early Christmas and birthday gift and I'm super happy about that.
Hes gonna insist that I do it the easiest way possible ( if he's gonna be involved) and searching for the 350 core will complicate it to the point where he won't enjoy helping me.

Truth is, if my current motor wasn't leaking like crazy, I'd just keep it.

Bottom line is Ill be happy with if if I don't lose power from my current setup and I don't have any more leaks

I'll put up some pics of the new parts tomorrow after work
Jojo's '70 stepside build thread:

Last edited by jojo; 10-29-2009 at 01:39 AM.
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