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Old 11-01-2009, 09:32 AM   #11
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Re: lowering a 78 c10 diesel

Originally Posted by Northern lights View Post
No worries about haveing heavier springs in the front. The first GM diesels were 350 Oldsmobile gas engines with diesel heads and a beefier crank so they shouldn't weight much more (if at all) than any other Olds 350. Also, it's doubtful that your truck came with a diesel as the diesel came out in '79 (at least in Canada) and if it were a diesel, it would have a hydroboost in it rather than a vacuum brake booster, unless you changed that.
Diesels came out with the 5.7 in 1978 i ran my vin and it is infact a diesel truck it did have a have a hydoboost and i replaced it with a 84 booster it had all the factory wiring for the diesel under the dash and has the diesel bezel for the glow plugs %100 diesel (WAS) :-)
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