Is there a fix for weak e-brake caused by large wheels?
Hey all, new member and my first post. I did read the stickies and searched, and did not find the answer I seek. Most brake upgrades seem to deal with swapping out rear drums for disks, which I believe makes for no e-brake!.
I have a '78 with 33"s, and found the e-brake was never strong enough. I recently threw down on a '72 with 35"s, and its that much worse. I do not think they will hold the truck on my angled driveway, let alone suffice as a brake in the case of an emergency.
I inspected brakes/cable, and all is working. Just not very well given the leverage of those tires.
Are there any real fixes here? I can see:
1. Return to smaller tires
2. Carry wheel chocks for parking
3. Upgrade to larger drums, but not clear what that entails wrt my current rims. The 72 has a corp 14 bolt with a custom axle that uses 1/2 brakes and standard bolt pattern.
Thanks in advance and thanks to this great site for all the good info.