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Old 11-02-2009, 01:37 PM   #22
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Re: The what did you get done thread standard time edition 11/1/09

Yesterday, I tried to replace the broken drum brakes on my s10. Got both wheel cylinders changed without braking the lines. Had to find a picture in the manual because everything was toast. Covered in brake fluid and gear oil (New axle seals went in last week), broken springs and bent parts. Got one side done only to find that the spring kit I got only had two shoe retaining springs and no springs for the dog bone. Started on the other side and realized I the adjuster was missing and no spring on the dog bone to reuse. What a pile!

Saturday I was going to put a seal kit in the kitchen faucet. After fighting with the plastic nuts and braking the "ears" off the nuts I got the grinder out and cut them off. Got the faucet off and found out the base was rusted and not worth putting a seal kit in. $211 later I got a new faucet in and now I think I really want to remodel the kitchen to get rid of the crappy cabinets and flimsy stainless sink. I love the snowball effect!
I can still count my vehicles on two... wait three hands.
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