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Old 11-02-2009, 02:12 PM   #1
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Major Junkyard Score!!

I went to my local Ecology pick and pull last weekend looking for an open carrier for a 14 bolt axle. I found the carrier in a 1988 Suburban which also happened to have a Gear Vendors overdrive unit still installed! The Sub was 2-wheel drive with a big block and TH400 tranny, so I will have to buy the NP205 adapter to install it in my 72 K5 Blazer, but that is peanuts compared to the cost of one of these units new (about $2,800). I got all of the wiring, switches, CPU, and speedo cable adapters. The best part is that I got it all for $100 (the cashier didn't know what it was, so she charged me the standard price for a transfer case).

I have been looking at these things for years, but never got the cahones up to lay down the cash for one, and the ones on ebay always end up going for a mint as well. I have also been putting off a 700R swap due to the cost of building a good tranny and buying an adapter to retain my NP205. Now I can spend a fraction of the cash and bolt this thing up.

Sorry for the long post, but my wife just didn't fully appreciate my find and I needed to share with those that would.
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