Originally Posted by monte0185
I just wish I had a shop to work in that was nice and warm and out of the rain!! My driveway is really not all that big. Its actually one of the shorter ones on my road. The frames are going to scrap before too long if I dont sell them. Well the 2wd long one anyway. Its a great frame just dont have any need for it. the other 4wd one is junk. Thats a good idea about the track bar. I dont think ive ever seen anyone run one down here. Are you gonna run a body lift on yours. Oh and Ill be running crossover steering as well.
dont we all....i have a decent size garage--but i have my 58 impala in there and thats in the middle of the build--so no chance im pulling that out for my truck.
as for the trac bar--im just going to build one---that way i can get exactly what i want and i know it'll fit.
i dont think i'll run a body lift...i put one on my last chevy truck (2004 2500HD) and i didn't like all the parts required--although the spacers are stonger than u need---i dont like the steering extensions and the bed supports.
but who knows---thats what i say now--and if 3 months down the road im looking for a little extra lift i might.
are you putting steps in yours? i was looking at the electric steps that hide away while they're not in use---although i dont mind hopping in...i need to find a way for my wife to comfortably get in.--how do you guys do it?