Re: Can you find the vibration???
Thanks guys,
U-joints were replaced with Spicer when the driveline was straightened and balanced by a driveline shop. The driveline shop wants me to bring the truck back so they could check the driveline angles.
Bearings need to be checked..
The Transfer case is a part time transfer case....
The rear end was rebuilt by a transmission/drivetrain shop owned by my fathers buddy.... I'll have him check the rest of the transfer case as well.
The vibration is not really felt through the steering(at least not primarily).
Just had the front ball joints checked and one replaced. I guess I could check the rest of the front end.
I will be replacing the mounts today, I'll keep everyone updated thanks for your replies! I hate chasing down problems by throwing money at it. I need a mechanic that can actually diagnose problems. haha
Last edited by Gmelahn; 11-06-2009 at 10:55 AM.