Thread: my 48 GMC
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Old 04-17-2003, 12:35 AM   #1
Well, Whoop-dee-do!
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my 48 GMC

Bought this at an auction- I just could not pass it up for the price. It was on a farm sale. It was running & parked in a barn in 1987 (by the last plate registration.) They quit using it because it has a blown head gasket. The crank would not turn by hand so I sprayed PB blaster in the cylinders & it spins free now. I am going to see if it will run decent & then replace the gasket. Appears to be a later chevy 235. Anyone know how to tell what year it is? It has the long water pump.

The body is pretty nice with minor rust in the passenger side floor only. It has 20" rubber (nope, not the tread belt without a sidewall type) a 4spd with vac. 2spd. & a large cylinder "scissor" hoist.

Looking forward to some R&R tinkering with it! -Jeff
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