They didn't have the hitch set up right. If the hitch is right it pushes down the front as much as the rear.
I actully know where a used bag helper set up is for $150 complete. These trucks taped down to the rear and they "Look" low in the rear even when dead level at the rockers. I wouldn't mind getting the rear up about an inch. I even thought about pulling a couple leafs so it would sag and then use the bags to level. That way if I got in a situation where I was dragging the back of the trailer I could dump the air in the bags cause the rear of the trailer to come up.
I went and looked at a 91 and the mirrors are not going to work without some body work to hide what was already there.
For anybody that wants a picture you can go to and looke and 90-91 Burbs, crews and K5's and there are some pictures of trucks wearing the power mirrors. I'll try to link a picture but it may not work. Cant give you a direct link because of the way they have the site set up.