Thread: 454 build?
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Old 11-12-2009, 01:01 PM   #9
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Re: 454 build?

Originally Posted by SSC's76 View Post
Well this is what I suggest seeing how towing is what were looking to do with the truck. As long as you stick with a cam in the 220@.50 durration with the 454 it will work very well. That may seem big but were looking at a 454 not a 350 the 100 extra cubes needs a little more lift then your run of the mill 350. Stick to a small free flowing intake the the edelbrock performer intake. This is a great intake on a BBC much better flow then a stock intake and about 20lbs less weight. Headers are of course upto you. The flange area has a better mounting surface on the BBC so headers on a BBC arent as leaky as SBC applications so wall thickness is more important then flange in this choice. Heads as long as they have a 2.19 intake and 1.88exh vale in them like mentioned above will work great and have plenty of flow just gasket match them. Going all out on a tow rig isnt nessasary. Id go with stock pistons most are either small dish mostly ive seen flat top with small valve releif area cut into them. A lower compression engine is better suited for towing since its not going to be as picky on the quaility of fuel. Trust me there nothing worse then having a trailer behind you pulling a grade and having to back out of the gas becasue the engine starts to ping. Stock compression will be fine shoot for a max of 9:1. Other then that you may consider upgrading the 30 year old HEI to a new Accel unit to give a properly working distributor is great to have but of course may be nothing wrong with the current one.

Thats some solid advice SSC ---- no sense in trying to turn a mule into a race horse, but a couple of smart mods may augment its towing ability.
Are you retired too?

Nonsense! I'm in my prime
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