Re: Ride height when driving?
To avoid hassles with the local law enforcement people you need to stay above the scrub line. That means no chassis parts below the bottoms of the rims. That is pretty well universal as far as minimum height laws go.
Now we get to what is practical for the driving you do. How low can you run and not get hung up on driveway entrances and other bumps in the road. In most of Texas a guy can get away with being pretty low as the roads are usually kept up pretty well but I scraped the chrome off the bottom edge of a freshly chromed bumper on my 48 pulling out of a grocery store parking lot at the severe lowrider angle in Utah. The hump was that bad. About 50 miles down the road on the same trip I hooked my right running board on something in the middle of the freeway and dinged it up. So I would say local driving conditions have a lot to do with how low you really want to run. I'll probably be right on the scrub line when I get the truck back together as the state Patrol in this area is famous for stopping rigs that look too low.