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Old 11-14-2009, 06:01 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Shuswap, BC
Posts: 152
Some Newby questions

Hey guys, great site you've got here, I've been lurking fo a while now. I don't actually own Jimmy/Blazer right now, but I have looked at a couple to purchase in the last couple of weeks. I have owned a 72 Jimmy, and a 70 GMC 2 wheel drive truck in the past.

I've already found the answers to a ton of question on this site, but I have a few more.

My questions:
- How large of tires can you put on a stock unlifted Jimmy/Blazer? I would like to run 33's, and it's my understanding after searching some posts that I would have to lift it a couple inches to do so.
- Is there s source for stock (or stock looking) interior parts like door panels, seat upholstery, consoles, steering wheels etc.? One truck I am looking at is white with a blue interior, and I would like to go Hugger Orange with a black interior.
- How do you check if the numbers match for a stock truck? Do you think this makes much of a difference in the value of a truck?
- Is there s source for soft tops and the associatted hardware? Seems like there was one, but they aren't doing the Jimmy's anymore.

That's all I've got for now, any help would be appreciatted.


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