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Old 11-16-2009, 10:05 AM   #142
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Re: Project: Agent Orange

Originally Posted by jaros44sr View Post
Could be the tall valve covers, with factory valve covers, I have about 1 1/2" - 2" of clearance. If and or when you move the engine forward you will have to cut and flange(Jon's idea) the crossmember, since the frame tapers in at the front. If you flange it now, you will be able to drop the pan if needed in the future
Is the trans. at the right height?

Looks good

Don't believe I'll need to go to that extent of modification's to move it forward.

There's about a 1/2" till the inner mounts tough the frame wall, being I need to drill new holes in the frame anyway, that gives me a couple option's to work with.
#1) simply slide everything forward until the frame taper mandates I stop.
#2) flip the cross member around (which will net me about 1.5"s) and drill the new holes accordingly, would basically be stagered in the frame rails instead of inline.
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