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Old 11-16-2009, 01:26 PM   #820
283 Drama Queen
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Re: The 283 Rebuild Begins

Well – now we go into Bizarre-O-World with the truck’s electrical system:

Without the brake pedal applied – the stop lights blink of and on and I can hear the signal canister “pinging” under the dash. Apparently, it’s been doing this from getting the truck back from the shop – weeks ago.

I tried switching the canister out with a new one – same / same. If that’s not odd enough, sometimes (other than when I put the brake on) it stops on its own. Has no effect on the tail or front parking lights, but turn signal sticks on – when I apply the brakes.

Tried everyone’s ideas on my alternator wackiness, but nothing is working. Still not a single amp of charging and nothing showing on the dash gage. Truck runs fine – but still having to use the trickle charger to be able to drive the rig around.

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My ex-wife never let me get a word in edgewise.
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