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Old 11-16-2009, 09:10 PM   #11
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Re: Muleman 100's 72' and other Suburbans

71burb, Thanks. They keep adding to it. We just got back from Oklahoma with another one (Truck instead of Burb this time).

OARNGESI, Those pictures were taken over at one of our friends house. He wrapping up on fixing it for his daughter. I have some more pictures I will post.

BB72CHEVKT, You might be in luck. He is a little on the fence if he is going to keep it and fix it up, or get rid of it when he finds something nicer.

JoeKan, It definately helps that for the last 50 years more trucks and SUV's were sold in Texas than in any other state.

SCOTI, If it were only suburbans. No they have even more trucks and quite a few cars.
I don't always drive trucks; but when I do I prefer Chevy's. Stay driving my friends.

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