Originally Posted by msgross
vortec S-10... I smell a race coming...
don't you have keys to the airfield? 

, that's a thought....What are they going to do, kick me out??
Originally Posted by justcuz
Nice truck and a great set of additions. I like the fact that you made it usable as a truck again and yet maintained all the go fast goodies. A true dual purpose vehicle.
I take it you are done in New Mexico and back in Florida permanently.
Quite a change I bet. Nice picture with the family, now I know why you are building a Suburban and a Crewcab!
Thanks for keeping us in the loop with your builds, they are top notch!
I am considering converting my 72 long bed to 3/4 ton since I need a good tow vehicle. I have the HO52 (4.56 or 4.11 I have both) and front disc spindles, calipers, hubs and LCA's.
Plan is 350 4bbl, 700R4, HO52 with disc brake conversion and a 14 bolt Detroit Locker, 8 lug disk brake front end conversion. I will probably leave the 1/2 ton springs in it and use 265/75x16 tires on late model Chevy aluminum wheels and caps. Air bags or factory add on leaf overloads in the rear to handle toungue or load weight.
Looking at the rear axle I am figuring a 3.20 overall ratio in OD if I use 4.56's and 2.90 if I use 4.11's. Probably only a couple hundred RPM difference at 70-75 cruise speeds. If I use the 4.56's I'll have a lot of low end grunt to get stuff moving.
Final consideration is a Blazer tank in the rear between the frame rails, with the filler behind the tailight or side marker and move the step bumper up, by replacing the S bracket with straight stock and running the receiver hitch through the bumper to the rear crossmember.
I see in your vehicles you have gone away from 8 lug to lighter running gear but for me and the way I use my vehicles I prefer the beef of the 3/4 ton running gear and brakes.
Thanks for the post and the props,

. I just like having the options to swap wheels back and forth. I don't plan on working any of them to hard,

Originally Posted by justcuz
It would not surprise me if the S-10 and the 68 weigh within a couple hundred pounds of each other. I personally give the edge to the 68 being lighter.
I'm guessing the 68 will probably weigh around 3400, I'm going to check the next time I'm over near the scales. I think I can take him.......
