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Old 11-19-2009, 06:42 PM   #25
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Re: Yet another GMC build

I've looked and looked and I believe I want to use a roll pan rather than a bumper. What I want isn't being made. I could buy one and modify it but I have a ton of 18 gauge steel laying around so I'm goint to try and make it. I made a template with cardboard first, then I cut it apart carefully and traced the pieces onto steel. I built a wooden buck out of pieces of 2x6 and 1x4 and have the steel stretched over and screwed to it. I'm welding it up right now and hopefully will have something useful soon. I realize now that those cool exhaust cutouts will have to go because of my rear mounted tank. It would cause too many 90 degree bends in the exhaust to get it there. Instead I think I may get an extra set of front park lights and mount them on either side of the plate as backup lights. Any other ideas, anyone?
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