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Old 11-20-2009, 11:35 AM   #25
1972 Chevy Cheyenne Super
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Posts: 302
Re: Delux Side Marker Lights - Clear, Amber, Red

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man View Post
as far as the seatbelt comment, if your truck has shoulder belts, then you have to wear them. Even though the truck predates any law, and it was optional, if its there, then you are required to wear it.

My truck was never equipped with should seat belts.
This is how the exchange went:
"Do you know why I pulled you over?" - deputy
"No, I have no idea." - me
"Because you two aren't wearing your seat belts." - deputy
My wife and I both raise our arms to expose our fastened lap belts.
"Deputy, we are both wearing our seat belts." - me
"Did this truck come with shoulder style belts?" - deputy
"No sir." - me
"Where are you two coming from." - deputy
"Our new home." - me
"Where are you headed." - deputy
"My wife's family's home in Blanchard." - me
"Have you ever been to Blanchard?" - deputy
"If you look at my driver's license in your hand you will see that the address reads Blanchard."- me
"Oh, well Blanchard is that way." deputy points the opposite direction.- deputy
"Deputy, I haven't broken any law. I shouldn't have to outline the points of interest on my travel route. You've already implied that I'm a liar and now your treating me like a criminal. Can my wife and I please go about our travels?" - me
"I also notice now that you have a crack in the windshield. So I'm gonna need to run you and write a warning." - deputy

Then he proceeds to check the validity of my statements and run me for warrants. It took 28 minutes. I know it shouldn't take that long to run someone with ZERO violations.

It was just frustrating.
1972 Cheyenne Super LWB 350 - farm truck restore project - twitter @oldgreen
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