Semi-Gloss POR-15
Anyone have experience with the semi-gloss? All I have ever been around is the regular and it is just a little to glossy for me. I'm thinking the semi-gloss would look great on my axles, frame, shackles, etc. I have found a few pics on the internet and so far I am interested. One thing I found on the POR-15 website was this...
"*Please note: POR-15® Semi-Gloss Rust Preventive paint stops
rust and provides a very durable coating, but be aware that it’s
not a cosmetic coating and may show different variations in gloss
depending on the method of application and the surface it’s applied
Maybe I am just better off painting over the top of it (or the regular black) if I am worried about appearance, not to mention UV rays could find there way to my axle due to my suspension lift. I'm open to suggestions.