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Old 11-21-2009, 02:36 AM   #5
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Posts: 6
Re: GMC Pauls and TruckandCarShop

hey led

I said in my original post, GMC Pauls apparently has a good reputation on this site, but my experience was different. I felt they exploited the shipping charges as did

I wasnt trying to get shipping for free. My statement implied that I paid more for shipping than it cost the vendor to ship to me and lots of companies ship for free on minimum orders. IMO shipping charges should be just that "shipping charges." My receipt for truckandcarshop states shipping charges $0. Everything I said in my original post was absolutely the truth. SO HERE IS THE PROOF.
Truckandcarshop reciept:

(67-02605) 67-72 Interior door handle chrome $4.00 X 2 = $8.00
(67-02608) 67-72 Interior window crank handle $4.00 X 2 = $8.00
(72-02416) 72 Door window regulator LH $29.00 X 1 = $29.00
(72-02417) 72 Door window regulator RH $30.00 X 1 = $30.00
(67-02112) 67-72 Exterior door handles- Chrome $37.00 X 1 = $37.00
(60-07306) 60-72 Weatherstrip adhesive $7.00 X 1 = $7.00----------------------------------------------------------------------Product Total $119.00Shipping (Shipping) $0.00----------------------------------------------------------------------Grand Total $119.00

GMC PAUL'S order:

The double dip at my bank for oversized shipping:

04/14 Check Crd Purchase 04/13 Gmcpauls Truck Parts 765−5692906 317.90
04/14 Check Crd Purchase 04/13 Gmcpauls Truck Parts Rockville In 486830 16.75

They applied the second charge to my card without any notification whatsoever.

The original invoice from GMC Pauls:

Date: Sun Apr 12 18:19:23 -0400 2009
Order Status: Accepted

(R&WS1) 8Piece Door Window Seal Kit $64.95 X 1 = $64.95
(MS-2042GTS2&S) 21 Gallon Poly Tank Kit $229.95 X 1 = $229.95
Product Total $294.90
Select Shipping (Select Shipping Based On Pa) $23.00
Grand Total $317.90

The web site of the company that actually shipped the tank:


notice:FREE SHIPPING to 48 states via FedEx Ground service.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it.



Last edited by ChevyMo; 11-21-2009 at 02:51 AM. Reason: edited for content
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