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Old 11-21-2009, 03:31 AM   #6
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Re: 63: 6 to v8 swap?

Originally Posted by Captainfab View Post
Yep this pretty well sums it up. You don't have to move the frame mounts either, there in the same place for the V8's and the 230/250's. The 292's had the staggered motor mounts.....passenger side farther forward. And yes I would switch to the bigger radiator. Do you have a V8 fan shroud you can put on it? That will help with cooling. Sounds like you should have enough parts there to do the swap.
you do not have to move the perches but if you are using the rear eng mounting(stock-bellhousing mounts) you will struggle to put the bolts in the insulators and will stress the insulators a bit.
If you are putting in a rear trans mount and eliminating then you adj that dimension with that installation. the main reason to leave in the frt holes is if you need the firewall clearance for some hei distr. it may effect you fan spacing inside the shroud and exhaust clearances at the steering box. it will also tightern up your "z bar".
there arfe alot of things that you do not have to do in this world,but it is always nice to have things fit the way that they should fit. it also reduces that POs comments from the next owner
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