Re: Semi-Gloss POR-15
OK... Ill give you the info the area dealer of POR 15 told me. Regular Por15 should go on first, it bonds tenaciously to rust and is tough as nuts. The only problem with regular POR 15 is that it IS NOT impervious to SUNlight. Sun will damage regular Por15 . The other COLORed Por15's that are available are for ANY area where regular Por15 will be exposed to the Sun.
Now... for my experience. The only area on my ride where Ive used POR15 is on my quick ratio steering box and on my tie rod ends (I used it on those places because you really cant put those peices through the powdercoat process). I used regular Por 15 followed by a coat of semi-gloss black. It looks just fine to me, even though its next to all the other powder coated frame and parts, etc.
My suggestion is to get a pint of regular and semi... do some small parts and decide for yourself. Now remember, semi-gloss... or any of the other 'colors' are NOT the same as regular POR-15, they are
for overcoating REGular Por15 to protect from ultraviolet rays and/or if you dont want the high gloss of regular Por-15.