Originally Posted by padresag
"The casting material of the transmission did not determine the hump style, so I wasn't trying to give a dissertation on the evolution of the automatic transmissions, simply a general rule-of-thumb on what hump style came with what transmission type.
and what I am referring to is the external dimensions of the the cast iron hydramatic required that it used the high hump in the years that it was utilized
I did re and re quite a few hydramatics back in the 60's .hydramatics.
I also installed a few olds and caddy engs w/hydramatics in some of my early vehicles
Your criteria runs counter to the published literature by GM, so you must know something they don't.
I sold a factory 3-speed automatic a few months ago, with a factory low hump, so it must have been one of the exceptions. I wil be on the lookout for others equipped this way...maybe they are more rare...an automatic with a high hump.