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Old 11-23-2009, 01:02 AM   #2
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Re: how to fire up a motor?????

Fresh engine or an engine with some hours/miles on it?

Fi or carb?

Computer engine or non computer engine If it has an HEI does the Hei have a vacuum advance on it?

I only looked on the first page of your photobucket link but didn't see a 350 to know what you have.

I found the photo on page 2

It will work better if you have some sort of switch but you can do it by hooking up the battery to the starter and a ground on the engine adn then hooking a wire from the Batt pin on the distributor to the + post on the battery and one that you can go from the S post on the starter (purple wire if the wire is still on it) to crank the engine. A bit of fuel in the float bowl or a line from the fuel pump to a small container of gas and it should crank and run but be ready to pull the ign wire off the battery or put a switch in that wire. I've run a lot of engines with a toggle switch for an ignition switch and a pushbutton starter switch to crank the engine.

If you haven't stripped everything off the engine yet I think I can see the red wire to the distributor (about 10 gage) and the purple wire still going to the starter so you can tie into them and make it work.

And I have in the past run engines like that hanging from a chain hoist but they like to jump around a bit. Did it to prove to some of my students that it could be done once.

Last edited by mr48chev; 11-23-2009 at 01:24 AM.
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