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Old 11-23-2009, 07:13 PM   #22
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Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton

Originally Posted by 68lwb292 View Post
This always cracks me up when guys do this because they already know the answer they want to hear. Otherwise you wouldn't come to to ask the question. After all you know what everyone is gonna say especially after that story.
That's what you think... SELL IT! HAHA

Man, you have to decide what you want. If you like the truck, make it yours. In that condition, being original isn't making or breaking it. Being in good shape and doing a good quality resto on it will make a difference.

And one comment, which is a tough pill to swallow: If you sell it, don't worry yourself with what someone else is going to do with it. If someone wants to make ashtrays out of it, that is their business. It's hard to see, but if it isn't yours anymore, just let them do as they please and be at peace with it...
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