Re: Cab Corners?
I had to learn the hard way cost me twice as much as it should but in the end I got the parts that fit petty dang good
I took a queue from Alan he told me he had to use two to get hem to work and did some research and bought the second set which were better than the first set I got
I thought that I was going to have to use two to make one as he did
I think that some one bought a boat load of bad parts and they decided to sell them
The smaller ones are for 60 to 66 the are just bad stampings
the ones from classic parts are thicker material, have a bigger door jam lip and the weld flange at the back wall is formed correctly but it does not fit exaclty it needs a little work to get it where it should be
also the shape at the bottom that meets the rocker is correct and more defined than the other cheaper parts