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Old 11-25-2009, 01:23 PM   #833
283 Drama Queen
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Re: The 283 Rebuild Begins

Truck's Puking Oil.

Not bad - but on the brand new driveway - it's quite noticeable. A spot about 2 inches wide and 4 inches long. Noticed it when the kid put the truck in the garage yesterday. Haven't checked out the exact location, but its not tranny fluid or anything else and I'm taking it easy for the holiday - so I'll worry about it when I get the rig back from the electrical repair guy two Saturdays from now.


More-than-likely the small I/D tubes I ran from the PCV valve from the original tube back by the distributor, up to the carburetor, aren't producing enough flow/suction to relieve the crank case fumes.

Based on the fact the spot is right in the center of where the truck was setting - it's probably a rear seal.

Oh joy.
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