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Old 04-20-2003, 09:30 AM   #1
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Progress Pic, Correct Chevy engine orange?

I thought I'd post this picture for kicks.

One question. Does this look like the correct color for Chevy engine orange? I used Hirsche Engine Paint. It's supposed to be the best rattle can engine paint money can buy but it's given me nothing but fits. It was terrible about pooling and running. The spray pattern and coverage was poor. It had to be applied in about 4-5 light coats. On the plus side it looks pretty nice when finished and does seem pretty durable for rattle-can paint.

Anyway, To my eye it looks too orange, a really true orange. I always think of Chevy engine orange has being more of a slightly reddish orange especially compared to the color that was on it originally.

What do you guys think?

(And yes I need to rework my wires a little!)
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Unrestored 68 C-10 CST. Original 327. 4-Speed CH465. 50k or so miles.

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