Thread: CeeTen's build
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Old 11-26-2009, 11:13 PM   #1
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CeeTen's build

Figured I would start a thread and document some of the work I'm doing on my 86. My dad bought this truck new, I remember going with him to pick it up when I was in the 7th grade. He gave it to me about 10 years ago after the old 305 let go. The truck was/is in great shape, he is very easy on vehicles. About the only time it ever got abused is when I would take it out in my teenage years. It sat in my barn for a couple of years before I drug it out and cleaned it up, lowered it and installed an LT1. I think it was 2003. I drove it like this for several years before the AC compressor and the 700r gave up. The LT1 was also getting tired so I figured it needed to come out too. The truck was starting to show some age, looked good from 20 feet but I figured what the hell, while the motors know how that goes. Looks like it's now gonna be a frame off, lsx powered restomod.
Here she was before I started tearing her down for the second time.
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