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Old 11-27-2009, 03:00 PM   #12
michael bustamante
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Re: 5 lug and 6 lug spindles and brake conversion?

Originally Posted by Smallz72project View Post
So I was getting ready to jump in my truck and head out to my 72 GMC to rob parts for my 67 chevy. I understand that the balljoints are different but will the 72 balljoint bolt into the 67 control arm? Secondly, so looks like I wont be robbing the axle shafts out of the 72 since as many have pointed out they are longer then the 67 housing but the GMC is also leaf so the kinda makes it pointless to rob the rear end as well. Guess its back to the drawing board...its always gotta be something.
its not hard to change the rear end from leaf to coil. you just have to grind off the leaf shackle mounts and position the trailing arm mounts on the axle assy and weld on. hardest part is centering them, Unless you dont have acces to a welder
the ball joints should mount into both the upper and the lower control arms just fine. but you would have to use 71-72 ball joints for sure
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