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Old 11-30-2009, 10:03 AM   #23
Redefining LowBudget
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Re: show me center caps or covers

ok heres my $.02 and I havn't tried it but know it will work

any BIG truck chrome shop sell axle covers..they come in every size including ones that fit our rallies ...they are held on by the edge of the lug nut ( on the big truck axle it uses the axle nut some times a 1/4 turn to get the point of the nut out will snug them up) I have moked up some that where the wrong size that we had laying around the shop...because they have a flat ring around the edge they resess into the center of the rally and round out about even with the bump out on the wheel..they looked Kool but they where about a 1/4" to big so I need to get to the truck shop ..About 60 miles get the right size

heres a link to what I'm taking about remeber they come in about a million sizes,styles also they come in plastic steel or stainless...I think the steel would be best for what we would use them for
1970 C10 CST fleetside 472 ....big dreams little cash...
SunShine Syndicate..

Mikes Sandwich Fair Run OCT 8th 2011

Last edited by Hottrucks; 11-30-2009 at 10:05 AM.
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