Anyone else feel like I do????
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04-21-2003, 02:22 AM
Phillip Johnson
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Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Grants Pass, Oregon
Posts: 1,579
Anyone else feel like I do????
Im watching the news with the lap top on my lap, and here we are again hearing about the jerk that killed his wife and unborn baby. IT makes me want to PUKE. I for one, have lost a child and I cant see how any human could do such a thing. I will NEVER get over the loss of my ONLY daughter. I know this is a truck website but IM REALLY PI$$ED that anyone could think this guy didnt do it! Excuse me while I clean the barf off my key board.
Ok, now Ive vented. I will calm down now and go back to looking for parts to buy..
Last edited by Phillip Johnson; 04-21-2003 at
02:59 AM
Phillip Johnson
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