Thread: led lights
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Old 12-03-2009, 04:25 PM   #33
69 Fleetside
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Re: led lights

Fixit-p, I am happy to hear those do have led's facing backwards at least, and would like to see how they perform in the daytime. At a 20 degree light pattern it will be pretty focused however, which at least makes the light they do emit, intense in that area.

Seraph, do not get those...superbrightleds has them for $4.95/ea for the exact same thing. I have come to find superbrightleds to be the cheapest, best service, fastest shipped, highest quality, cutting edge product LED supplier around, and through years of comparing prices; don't even look elsewhere these days...All of these posted links verifies that as well...

Dznucks - In general I would get 2 of the bigger resistors to begin with(one for each side, not front to back), that is usually enough load for the thermal flasher to still do it's job. That is what I did with my Subaru years ago and it worked great, but those resistors do get hot so be sure to mount them to metal(plenty of that on our trucks!) for additional heat relief. And yes, the correct electronic flasher unit superbrightleds sells works, i have those in my truck as well, need 2 of them, one for hazards, one for turn signals.

Full disclosure: both of the flasher units I recieved work great for the hazards, but my turn signals aren't operating properly and I think my steering column switch is messed up(haven't drove the truck since I bought it, just restoring it). So until I can try the old thermal flasher with the load resistors I have laying around in my box of LED stuff, I won't know for sure if there is something else at work that I don't know about keeping the electronic flasher from operating properly. 40 years of wear and tear on the column switch is my assumption...Working a job from dark to dark isn't helping me get this project done either, so I can't help you folks out much on this end of things until I get a weekend to finish this, hopefully this coming one...
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