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Old 12-04-2009, 09:52 AM   #18
Slots go on anything!
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Location: Richardson, TX
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Re: what type of paint to use for a-pillar trim?

I washed them with soap and water to get the dirt off, and used DuPont 3812S to clean them. It is a slow drying enamel reducer. I applied that with a red scotchbrite to get into the grain without affecting it. Follow that with a wax and grease remover (one rag for application, another for removal to catch any residue).

It's kind of apples and oranges, but when I did the interior in my El Camino, I used Dupont dye in a spray gun. I wiped the parts with their plastic prep (mostly to eliminate static), then used an adhesion promoter, then the topcoat. I probably put 100K on that truck, and the dye never flaked or scratched. I used the dye in a spray gun because that is what I had; I think the SEM will work just as well, provided that the surface to be sprayed is prepped well and is clean. The prep is the key.
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