Originally Posted by rfmaster
Did you apply about 15 PSI of air pressure? By mouth - hardly. FYI, if integrity of fuel hose is questionable fuel pump is not too far behind. Its just a question of time before it also fails.
Welcome to the club!
BTW people in SoCal can not drive either, and god forbid if it rains here! When it rains here all the oil and dirt that was absorbed into roadway surfaces creating a perfect, ice like conditions. We have couple big storms forecasted to hit us next week!
GL - and be well.
thanks. yeah its the same here. just a little drizzle, and the roads turn slick, and everyone turns retarded. its not even snowing yet, and everyone is driving like it is.
as for the 15 psi you are absolutly right... I didnt think that through. there was an obvious tear/gash in the rubber hose. I am very very hopeful that this resolves the issue. If it does I may have to replace the other tanks pump just so I have a backup tank.
The truck doesnt get driven enough to fill both sides. Just out to the ranch and back.