Originally Posted by hgs_notes
And just to segway back to the build...I really like the detail going into this build. I tend to cut corners, but can't seem to break the habit. I don't see any of that here and I admire it.
WHOA! Ya caught me off guard with that 50 cent word

But we should get back to the matter at hand...
Thanks HGS, nice to have someone pick up on that. It really slows my build down tho. I tend to over think every thing and put way to much planning into every part that I bolt on. It is a form of entertainment for me, sorta like a legal mistress
Traded a guy in Cali (Jims Junk) for a set of 8 1/2" alum. slotted wheels, he took my 10's. So, with 10's on the back and 12" wide tires, it should just about even out the inset of the rearend. Afterall, most of the work will be done by the rear tires
May have a lead on my coolant tubes