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Old 12-04-2009, 09:30 PM   #8
>130dB Moderator
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Re: Getting a Custom Dash

If you don't do it yourslf, its going to cost alot. These things take some serious time and I don't think alot of people really know just how much is involved.

On thing that I have been thinking of doing for a long time (and haven't told anyone until now) is making the dash a uniform shape (like on the passenger side) and using Dakota Digital Gauges. The concept would not be hard to modify in order to make it work with what you want. A large screen could easily be affixed to the center of the dash.

The only thing I haven't really figured out is the HVAC system. A Vintage ir set-up is the most likely to work.

In the end, its going to cost alot, make no mistake. You're looking (on the low end) at $5000 without any equipment.
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