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Old 12-06-2009, 11:17 PM   #6
Well, Whoop-dee-do!
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Location: Easton, Mo. pop.- me & scarcely a few others
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Re: Caddy 500 in a 4x4

I've done several of them. I went the route you are thinking with an '80 K20- I took the Chevy TH400 4x4 output and put it in a Olds case. Mine was a '60s Olds case that didn't have a speedo drive, which is great because a 4x4 doesn't need it either. I's just another place to leak.

Where the firewall and floor flanges form a big lip on the drivers side, you will need to pound flat or cut it out. Maybe a small dent in the firewall on the passenger side for valve cover clearance. Fab up some mount perches and that's about it for custom work.
'68 GMC shortbox 4x4 350/SM465/T221- bought it in '83 SOLD

'72 K20 500 Cad/TH400/NP205 SOLD

'92 Chevy 2500 6.5 mech TD 4L80E crusty daily driver

'72 Monte Carlo... sweet low mile toy

'11 Dodge Challenger IE 392 6spd... midlife car
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